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How to Build a Small Business Website

Craig Lawson • Dec 16, 2021
Building a Small Business Website

Building a website is surprisingly simple these days thanks to all of the website builders, templates, and other various tools that you can find on the internet. However, even with so many powerful tools, the fundamentals of what makes a good website need to be considered if you want it to be successful.

So here’s a brief guide on how to build a
small business website.

What is the purpose of your website?

Before building a website, it’s a good idea to figure out its purpose. As a small business, you’re usually looking to do one of the following:

  • To have a homepage so people can find your brand, products, or services
  • To sell more products with the help of an online store
  • To register more users for your online services
  • To raise awareness about your brand
  • To provide helpful information to your customers

Small businesses will typically focus on these five purposes for their website. You can always mix them up so that you achieve multiple different goals, but the general idea is that you want to have some purpose in mind to help you make future design and content decisions.

what success means to you

Defining what success means to you

It’s important to note that success means different things to different people. Some people might consider success to be based on how many page views you get, while others are more focused on actual sales numbers. If you’re going to build a small business website, then you need some sort of metric that you can use to measure your success. In the case of a website, we’d suggest some of the following:

  • Measuring how many page views you get
  • Consider how much more profit you make as a result of your website
  • Count how many impressions you get on social media
  • Take note of how many new user registrations you have

These are a few simple metrics to help you define success and if your investment has been worth it.

Viewing your website through the eyes of a user

It’s extremely important for you to look at your website through the eyes of a user instead of the owner of the brand. Users approach a website much more differently than the person who made it. They’re usually not sure where to find certain things and it’s easy for them to get lost if your website is a huge labyrinth of links. By testing your website through the eyes of a user, you’ll figure out ways to optimize it and improve navigation.

This is an important component of web design because it ultimately defines how easy your website is to use. If you notice things are too complicated to navigate or if there’s a lack of information in certain areas of your website, then it’s important to redesign those specific elements to make them much easier to understand.

Having solid content that serves multiple purposes

Content on a website typically refers to any kind of copy that is written on it. Content can be something simple like a product description, but it could also be an educational
blog post that teaches the user more about your products. There are many different uses for content, and here are just a few examples:

  • To improve search engine optimization through the use of keyword research and planning
  • To provide more value to your users
  • To generate more buzz on social media through shares
  • To describe products and services to users
  • To convince users to choose you over a competitor
  • To help you establish a brand personality
  • To answer questions that your users are asking

Content is extremely powerful, but it’s important to have an informative and comprehensive copy that can fill various needs. It needs to be written with intent, and that itself can be rather challenging when you don’t have a clear idea of who your audience is.

Coherent design is important, but it shouldn’t take priority

While the design of your website is no doubt important, a small business may have to forgo a well-designed website due to budget or time constraints. This is surprisingly common and small businesses should be optimizing their capital as best as they can.

So if you’re ever in a situation where you need to decide between a beautifully-designed website and excellent content, always choose the content. No matter how good your website looks, it’s not going to make up for a lack of useful content. Remember that users will come to your website for the value it offers, not because it looks nice.

Get Started Today with Building Your New Website

Ready to start the
web design process? Our expert team of web designers at Click360 Marketing can help you build the dynamic website your small business needs to increase sales and conversions. From a streamlined user experience to fully SEO-optimized site pages, we can make your digital presence shine. Get in touch today to start your website build journey. 

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